Travel with Confidence; Keeping you safe on & off the trail.

Comfort Camping

After a grueling day of high altitude hiking in Peru, take some of the hardship out of your trekking experience and opt for our Comfort Camping Upgrade!

I have never done glamping before this, but now I am spoiled and likely will never go back to carrying my own gear. I especially loved that the staff blew up my air mattress, set up my tent, and brought coffee to my tent at wake-up time!

Barbara Fox

Ever wanted to experience glamping in Peru? Our Comfort Camping upgrade offers the best of both worlds – remote, hiking adventure with glam camping, a luxury camping experience.

Glamping means you still get to experience a night under the stars and that chance to commune with nature – but with a little added comfort. See below for specific details about what our luxury camping upgrade includes. Take your Peru hike to the next level with comfort camping in the Andes! 

Read more about luxury camping in Peru in our blog!

Comfort Camping Includes:

  • Full size inflatable mattress
  • 2 comfortable camping pillows
  • Cotton sheets and warm polyester duvets + an extra blanket
  • Larger tents to give you more space to stand up and move around.
  • Hot water shower tent. Note: as we need to boil the water for a hot shower, they must be very short.
  • Pouch containing natural, biodegradable toiletries: passionfruit liquid soap, luxurious muña shampoo, muña/molle natural insect repellant, hand gel and lip balm
  • Large, deluxe towels
  • Individual hot water bottles
  • Bedside table, rug and solar lamp inside your tent
  • Comfortable camping chairs with backs
  • A pair of high quality Black Diamond walking sticks.

Glamping: The Fine Print

Comfort Camping cannot be combined with Standard Camping on the same tour. If the Comfort Camping option is selected for your trek, this service will be provided for and charged to every member of your group.

Comfort Camping applies only to nights spent camping outdoors during your trek. If your trek includes a night in a hotel in Aguas Calientes, this will be a Standard hotel unless you additionally select the Aguas Calientes Upgrade.


  • $65/day per person for most treks
  • $105/day per person for Inca Trail treks

Comfort Camping must be selected at time of booking.

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